#BlogTour for “Summer Days at Clifftop Cottage” by Eliza J Scott

#BlogTour for “Summer Days at Clifftop Cottage” by Eliza J Scott


As summer comes to the tranquil shores of Micklewick Bay, Maggie Marsay is on cloud nine. She can barely keep up with orders for her handmade teddy bears, turning her crafting hobby into a thriving business. And after trying for a baby for some time, she has joyful news to share with her devoted husband Bear who she lives with in an idyllic clifftop cottage alongside their cheeky Labrador.

But an unexpected visitor casts a shadow over Maggie’s sun-drenched bliss. Robyn, a ghost from the past Maggie hasn’t seen in twelve long years, arrives on their doorstep. What could have brought Robyn back into Maggie’s life after so long? Is she truly sorry for her past mistakes, or is she up to her old tricks?

Maggie welcomes Robyn into their home, trying her best to forgive and forget. But when Robyn starts to drive a wedge between her and Bear, Maggie’s close-knit group of friends and neighbours rally around. Can they help Maggie weather this storm and find her way back to happily ever after? Or is trouble here to stay?

My Review

Today I’m on the blog tour for ‘Summer Days at Clifftop Cottage’ Thank you to Rachel at Rachel’s Randok Resources for the opportunity to take part.

After finishing the first instalment of the ‘Micklewick Bay’ series I couldn’t wait to read the second which is ‘Summer Days at Clifftop Cottage’ and this story focuses on Maggie who is part of the friend group of Florrie who we meet in book 1. I still feel like these can be read in any order though which is just fab.

Maggie and Bear are settled in their lives in Micklewick Bay with a strong marriage. Robyn, Maggie’s estranged cousin invades their lives with no warning whatsoever.

I feel like flew through this story, especially the second half I just didn’t want to put it down. It did also keep me company when I couldn’t sleep so thanks to Eliza for that 😊 I love this friend group and getting to know the residents of Micklewick Bay a lot better.

I loved Maggie and Bear and their relationship as a whole it’s a relationship I love to have with my own partner and I know we do have that. I obviously didn’t like Robyn very much but you will find out why when you read it for yourself!

I can’t wait to read the third instalment to this series actually sooner rather than later 🥰 Eliza J Scott just gives you the perfect escapism with her stunning settings and characters. It’s a community I’d want to be a part of. I highly recommend you grab this series qnd a cuppa and enjoy 💖

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thank you to Eliza and Storm Publishing for an arc of this book via NetGalley.

Author Bio

Eliza is proud to be a member of the RNA. She lives in North Yorkshire with her family. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found with her nose in a book/glued to her Kindle or working in her garden, fighting a losing battle against the weeds.

Eliza also enjoys bracing walks in the countryside, rounded off by a visit to a teashop where she can indulge in another two of her favourite things: tea and cake.

Her biggest weakness is ginger biscuits dunked in tea.

Eliza is inspired by her beautiful surroundings and loves to write heartwarming romance stories with relatable female characters. She enjoys exploring the dynamics of female friendship, with a key feature of her books being how women pull together and support one another when things get tough.

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